• alon livne twitter    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 丞希綠色資訊企業有限公司

      ... 現階段,我們利用我們擅長的社群網路技術(facebook/plurk/twitter),在這些主題上 開發 與 耕耘。

      電話:02-22022888    地址:台北市信義區基隆路一段400號十樓之二
    2. 阿米果網路科技有限公司

      We manage a social shopping website. Connect with Facebook , Twitter, and Plurk. We help people to improve their buying decisions. The consumers could read precise reviews of goods through our website and making their buying decision. Join us you can learn more skills of the social age technologies.

      電話:02-27634433    地址:台北市大安區和平東路二段118巷54弄18號
    3. 立達興股份有限公司

      ...er of space, over a hundreds of weaving machines water jet looms in Taiwan alone. There is another production factory in China, Uniprint Textile Corp. Ltd, is the sister company to Raco Textile Corp. It houses over 150 employees under a roof of over 10,000 square meters.

      電話:02-25552986    地址:台北市大同區迪化街一段63號10樓B室
    4. 特佳光電股份有限公司

      ...,廠房佔地 2600 平方公尺,以生產 DVR 為主,產品包括 Stand Alone DVR( 單機式數位影像錄影機 ), PC Base DVR(PC 架構式數位影像錄影機 ) 以及攝影機系列產品。 有效率的生產線,穩定的產品品質,快速的交期以及專業的服務是我們面對市...

      電話:03-4634776    地址:桃園縣中壢市東園路37號
    5. Skyline7 International Company

      ...its the world.Skyline7 was founded on one simple idea ~ "A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is Reality." – John Lennon. It’s ok to dream out loud...we’re listening.

      電話:02-28087135    地址:新北市淡水區中正東路二段29-3號24樓

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